Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back in Mississippi

I am here in Mississippi. I drove down with my friend Patty from Soda Springs. She had to bring a truck to her husband in Louisiana, so she invited my along for the ride! 3 1/2 days worth! We had a good time though.

JoJo is only 4 hours from where Patty is staying, so they picked me up and I am here for a few days.

We had the kids' pictures taken yesterday. Are those boys cute or what?! Dillon is such a ham around a camera. Mason is up on all fours and trying his best to crawl. Her family is doing well. Andy's leg is healing with a limp. His motorcycle accident in November pretty much curtailed his Navy re-enlistment as with such a bad break, he isn't any good to them now. It sure got him out of going on another deployment--mixed blessings!

I will fly home tomorrow and dig into our house as my mom moved in with us. She has her house lease-optioned to a good family, so we are happy about that.

Well, more when I get home. Hopefully I can remember how to Blog and put in my own pictures of the rest of my beautiful grandkids!

Mason 6 months old

Dillon 6 years old



Williamson Fam said...

Oh it looks like you had a great trip, how fun...

Monica said...

I am glad you are having a great trip

Jen said...

too cute Patti! Those boys are growing up fast!!