Saturday, February 28, 2009

With the grandkids

Here we are in Wyoming this weekend with Emmalee and Adam. Tory, Joe and grandpa are skiing today at Beaver Mountain, so my mom and I get to spend the day with these two wonderful people! I would put pictures on but alas, don't know how! We will be back in Mississippi in 10 days for Dillon's sixth b-day. All is well with them, thank heaven. Andy's leg is still healing and hopefully they will be able to spend a month with us in Idaho this summer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back in Mississippi

I am here in Mississippi. I drove down with my friend Patty from Soda Springs. She had to bring a truck to her husband in Louisiana, so she invited my along for the ride! 3 1/2 days worth! We had a good time though.

JoJo is only 4 hours from where Patty is staying, so they picked me up and I am here for a few days.

We had the kids' pictures taken yesterday. Are those boys cute or what?! Dillon is such a ham around a camera. Mason is up on all fours and trying his best to crawl. Her family is doing well. Andy's leg is healing with a limp. His motorcycle accident in November pretty much curtailed his Navy re-enlistment as with such a bad break, he isn't any good to them now. It sure got him out of going on another deployment--mixed blessings!

I will fly home tomorrow and dig into our house as my mom moved in with us. She has her house lease-optioned to a good family, so we are happy about that.

Well, more when I get home. Hopefully I can remember how to Blog and put in my own pictures of the rest of my beautiful grandkids!

Mason 6 months old

Dillon 6 years old
