Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our 7th grandbaby is here!

  1. JoJo and Andy had our beautiful baby boy, Mason Andrew Carter, Mac for short, on Thursday, July 24th at 12:30 pm. He is absolutely adorable and as Randy said, grandma is in love. We are so blessed to have him in our family. Mom and I will stay in Gulfport until Saturday and then fly back to SLC. Randy and I will return the first part of Oct, if we can wait that long! Dillon has been such a good big brother. He wants to hold him and feed him but won't change diapers yet! Andy is a nut about him. JoJo said she wasn't sure they were ever going to make it home and that Andy was "driving like my mom"! Not sure if that was funny or not! It is true your whole world changes when a baby arrives. We love you Mason.